System design
- Embedded systems, data acquisition and electronic measuring instruments
- Automation electronics and industrial control systems
- Precision motion and positioning systems
- Test equipment and quality control systems
- Optical systems
Board design
- Schematic design
- PCB layout (Altium Designer, Eagle)
- Analogue digital an mixed signal
- SPICE simulations of analogue circuits
- Prototyping
Firmware development
- Microprocessors, DSPs and microcontrollers (STMicroelectronics, Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, Microchip, NXP, ...)
- CPLD and FPGA design (Altera, Xilinx)
- Embedded C, C, C++, Assembly languages, VHDL, AHDL, VERILOG
- Real time and redundency operating systems (μClinux, μC/OS, FreeRTOS, OSEK, VxWorks, ARINC653, ROS)
- Hardware driver development
Communication and realt time networking
- Integrated circuit and board-to-doard communication (SPI, I2C, 1-Wire, IrDA, Avalon, PCI, Compact PCI, ISA)
- Automation and industrial networking (CAN, FlexRay, ARINC429, RS232/485, USB, Ethernet and Wireless networking)
- Real-time communication and message processing
- Network topology design
- Analysys and optimizing of bus characteristics and network protocols
- Hardware in the Loop
- Customizable needle adapters
- Initial setup of boards
- Python based scripting
- Test cases and reports
Motion control
- Motor control and regulator design
- Precision motion control with sub-nm resolution
- High accuracy control of air bearing stages
- Power invertors
- Mechanical design